Tuesday 24 June 2014

Production Diary - Introduction to the Course

The Coursework for A2 Media Studies focuses on producing a piece of Media. We have been given a series of briefs which outline the different types we can do - these vary from a music video to pages of a newspaper - and they are all very exciting.

The one I am going to complete this year is the creation of a short film in its entirety. I love the medium of film and earlier in this year took part in a screenwriting course run by the BFI based in Newcastle upon Tyne where the participants were guided in the development of a five page script for a short film which I really enjoyed and I'm looking forwards to doing this as part of my A2 course. Learning how to shoot and edit the video is also something I'm excited about learning to do.

What would come with this is creating a poster to promote the film, a radio trailer for the film and a page in a film magazine featuring a review. These tasks are also something I'm looking forwards to doing. An upcoming post will focus on analysis of posters that are similar to my film - a mix of feature films with a similar tone to something I might create and other short films. A radio trailer would be interesting as film is such a visual medium to strip a vital part of the product and still trying to promote it will be a challenge.  I listen to a lot of Audio Plays so I have a bit of knowledge of what will and won't work on radio.

The development of my short film and the other tasks will be chronicled on this blog from start to finish and I can't wait to see the end result.

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